Our Mission
At Rebound, we work with families trying to recover and rebuild after experiencing the devastating effects of trauma.
These families are the most susceptible to continuing cycles of abuse, neglect, poverty, and homelessness unless there is some intervention.
We walk alongside kids and parents on the road to health and restoration.
Families often suffer because of a lack of connection. Social isolation and lack of support from other adults make it difficult for families to gain traction during crises. At Rebound, we foster supportive relationships and access community help in need.
We are committed to giving families the tools they need to succeed. Rebound offers year-round programs for parents and kids that teach health in life's social, emotional, and physical areas.
We seek long-term health and stability for our families. As we walk with them, we strive to restore homes where family members know they are loved and supported, where trust is present, and where parents and kids can thrive as part of the greater community.